Macallan whiskey special edition
Macallan whiskey special edition

macallan whiskey special edition

Aside from the price, The Macallan is only offering 400 of these packages for sale (the flask can be purchased separately online). $1500 for a bottle of whisky and a flask puts this offering squarely out of reach of most whisky consumers. The Macallan Flask Edition (43% ABV / 86 proof, $1500, flask only $900) is hard to talk about and not talk about the price. A super high end pairing of 22 year old whisky with a custom designed flask from Oakley. Case in point is the newest offering from The Macallan: The Flask Edition.

macallan whiskey special edition

The bad news is that the amount of money now being charged for super premium whisky is almost limitless. We’re big fans of Glenfiddich’s Cask of Dreams, Diageo’s Classic Malt Collection, and the Highland Park Valhalla series. The good news for whisky lovers is that many of these special edition releases have been exceptional. This change is a clear indicator in the growth at the top of the whisky pyramid. In 2012 the overall Scotch whisky category dropped by 2% in terms of volume but surged by 16% in value (source: Impact Databank). Part of the boom in offerings comes out of the sheer growth of the premium and super premium whisky market. We’re seeing more custom, high end, limited edition releases now than at any point since we’ve been covering the space.

macallan whiskey special edition

There’s no doubt that whisky connoisseurship is on the rise.

Macallan whiskey special edition